Whatever it's called... It's amazing

Suatu saat dg bercanda saya pernah berkata pada sang pria "gak ada dia koq lu brantakan gini coy"
Dan sang pria menjawab "klo gak ada dia kayaknya gw gak bisa hidup men"

Pada suatu malam saya chating dengan sang wanita dan dia menulis "Lucky im in love with ur frend ris... He treat me like i am princess... :-) ..dgn sgla keterbatasannya sll brusaha bahagiain gw.. Gw brsyukur bgt.."

I am happy for both of them... And I enjoy watching them both

Entah apa yg disebut, yg terjalin diantara mereka, sayang... Cinta... Kebahagiaan... Entah apa namanya, terserah apa namanya... Dengan melihat mereka saja saya turut menjadi bahagia

apa yg mereka berdua sedang rasakan, mungkin saya pernah merasakan, mungkin jg yg saya pernah rasakan hanyalah kebohongan... Apapun itu dulu, kini saya sudah tidak merasa sakit karenanya

Apakah saya akan bisa merasakan apa yg saat ini mereka berdua rasakan?

Insya allah, Tentu saja

*btw i'm really really proud with my friend a.k.a mr.3, you're doing a great job kiddo keep it that way*

The curly hair girl with slanting eyes

hey you
once i knew

the curly hair girl with slanting eyes
with shrill tone that crawls to my bone

yeah you...

the girl that stole my heart
then bash it to the floor
leaving it traumatized and sore
then seconds later said sorry
just like it never happened before

i'm not here to hate
nor to curse
nor to despise
nor to unleash my fury

i'm just here to admit

that i'm wounded
that you've hurt me
and that i've hated you
so much
very much

that i curse and despise
that you've succeeded
to pour the tears out of my eyes

that i'm no angel
and i'm no superman

i've been hurt
not by a punch
not by kicks
not by fists

but by a smile
from a girl
that girl is you

and for your sorry
i've forgive you


*had a little chat with her this afternoon on ym and find out that she's currently pregnant,wish all the best for you Wit