Deepest condolences

uxoof: ris
uxoof: anaknya TJ meninggal
AHK:tau darimana suf?
uxoof: mo takziyah gak?
uxoof: chat room
uxoof: sore ini
uxoof: ke RS Harkit
AHK:bareng aja

*the third line of the conversation membuat saya shock

yesterday a friend of mine baru saja terkena musibah, actually two...
it's T&T... they lost their baby

her name was Tatyana Jannati , such a beautiful name
she died when she was born

apparently they knew that there was something wrong with her while she was still in her mommy's tummy
it was a cromosom abnormality or something like that...
the doctor said that it was impossible for the baby to be born without any extraordinary interference

so the baby need blood transfusion while still inside of Tari
her blood type was O Rh-, an O Rh- donor isn't really easy to find
Alhamdulillah Teje managed to find a donor in facebook, theres a FBgroup made by groups of O Rh- people
but that wasn't the end

it turns out that the baby got some kidney problem
she took fluids from her mommy but she didn't leak any urine out
so another surgery needs to be applied to take out the urine
the side effect is it that a contraction might happened
and it did

The nurse tried so the baby can be born normally, tapi posisinya sungsang
finally a caesar surgery had to be done
the baby...
Teje look at the baby from behind a window being held by a nurse, she wasn't crying
she didn't make it...
the doctor said to Teje that there was no pulse and that she was probably died while she was still inside

her weight was 2kg and her length was about 40cm

beratnya 2kilo trus panjangnya 40cm
*while He was glancing at Tari and She was glancing at Him

Teje told all of this to me while i was visiting them as the hospital yesterday
Though he can still make jokes and laugh at that time, but i can definitely see His sadness
apalagi Tari, she looks... empty

i feel so sad for both of them, they have waited for more than 35weeks

anyway a couple of other friend also visited
one that i will mention here is Mas Zubed, nasehat yg dia berikan utk Teje adalah

Sabar, kalau sudah rejekimu engga akan kemana. nanti akan ada penggantinya. yg tabah ya Je